The marula tree commonly grows in warm regions such as South Africa, Ethiopia and Brazil. The leaves, stem, bark, root, and fruits have been used for thousands of years as food and traditional medicine in these countries. The tree blossoms from January to May and bears plum like fruit from April to June. One tree can bear up to 2 tons of fruits. The fruits contain a hard brown seed when the fleshy part is removed. Further, the seeds enclose soft white kernels rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and proteins (predominantly glutamic acid and arginine).
The marula oil at Askalite is cold pressed, non-GMO and easily absorbed to pamper your skin.
- Rich antioxidant
- Anti-inflammatory
- Supple & soft skin
Krist, Sabine. "Marula Oil." Vegetable Fats and Oils. Springer, Cham, 2020. 453-456.
Mariod, Abdalbasit Adam, and Siddig Ibrahim Abdelwahab. "Sclerocarya birrea (Marula), an African tree of nutritional and medicinal uses: a review." Food Reviews International 28.4 (2012): 375-388.
Matemu, Athanasia O., et al. "Fatty Acid Composition of Dried Fruits of Sclerocarya birrea, Diospyros blancoi and Landolphia kirkii." International journal of environmental research and public health 14.11 (2017): 1401.